epf message

(April 20 Herbert p Bear)
"So You know Protobot's plan eh? The plan i'd have to be CRAZY to support? You  Enviroment Protecting Fools better keep an eye on the trees.

(April 21 Gary )
*Closed message-channel secure* hmm... I think Herbert was warning us. Put all Earth Day Party trees under surveillance.Be ready.
 (April 25 Herbert p Bear)
Cure you fowl fools! How did you EVER figure protobot's brulliant plan?You must think you're 'smarter' than he is.

(April 26 protobot)
Error. Probability of Elite agents calculating attack:o percent.
Wheelbot destroyed. Retreating for now.
(April 27 Dot)
Great work everyone! i'm seriously proud of you.FYI-tomorrow i,m introducing a new class: the Stealth class! More info soon.
(April 30 Gary)
Herbert and the protobot have gone quiet again. This is a good opportunity to prepare.Next week, i'll start by explaining more about classes.
the agent 

(May 1 Gary)
The agent classes each represent a specialized role in the EPF. Each class bring different strengths and skills to their squad.
(May 1 Gary)
tactical agents are experts of the snowball combat.  They are heavily armored,and solve problems head-of with as much action as posible
(May 2 Gary)
Tech agent are gadget-geniuses and computer experts. they solve Problems with intellect and are most powerful in front of a computer 
(May 2 Gary)
Stealth agents are master of disguise they solve problems by watching and waiting for the right time to act.They are very secretive.